Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Heading out via Zion Gate I found the cemetery gates unlocked and after a few minutes searching I discovered Oscar Schindler's grave, as seen at the end of the movie Schindler's List. 
His grave is below centre behind the metal cross
The next stop was to see the rock hewn tombs near the bottom of the Mount of Olives. 
A cave and the rock hewn tomb on the right. Kidron Valley
Like any other developing country local transport can only be seen out in the villages, but not always. I suppose the picture is a bit biblical.
From the hills on the eastern side there are some stunning views of Jerusalem. The heat on the way up was pretty intense but at the top there was a small shop to get some refreshment.
The wall of Jerusalem and near the centre, the top of the golden dome can just be seen.
The road up the eastern side passes the remains of the ancient city, passing Dung Gate and Zion Gate at the top left
An immense Jewish graveyard covers part of the hillside.
Looking down the valley from from near the old city.
After the hot meanderings around the Mt of Olives I entered the old city through Dung Gate into the Jewish quarter. I daren't ask why its called that. Most of the previous two hours it had been a pleasure to wander without the never ending streams of tour groups. But Dung Gate is where many coach loads disembark for the Western Wall. However, not difficult to escape into the quiet alleys and streets. 
Off the beaten track in the Jewish quarter.
A fine bit of embossing in the Jewish Quarter.
Not a bad day today, to all but finish this visit. Tomorrow afternoon its back to Tel Aviv and fly home. Not being religious it has been a rather odd experience being surrounded by devotees of one sort or another but that, as I have found, it's what Jerusalem is all about. As for the politics, it's completely unfathomable. There are so many examples of the strange mindset that exists here, like the Arab buses that don't (do) run on the Sabbath and then a map I saw in the Jewish Quarter of the old city that seemed to deny the existence of the Arab Quarter, showing only blank areas. Should have taken a photo of it!!!!!

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